1 Oct 2012

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    ANC President, Jacob Zuma, finds himself back in the spotlight again. I somehow do not think that this man is destined to be South Africa’s next president with all the ‘noise’ surrounding him. Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Appeal upheld an appeal by the National Director of Public Prosecutions against a court ruling that effectively meant that Zuma could still faces charges of corruption, fraud, racketeering and tax evasion. Zuma had thought that all this was over when High Court Judge Chris Nicholson found that Zuma did have the right to make representations before the NDPP decided to re-charge him. But this decision has now been overturned on appeal. In simple terms, this means that Zuma could still go to trial and he is not in the clear yet.

    Now that the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) has turned around Nicholson’s decision which lead to political drama in South Africa last year, does that now just go to show that the dismissal of Thabo Mbeki was wrong? Chances are very slim that Mbeki would have been recalled if Nicholson did not make the decision he made at that time. It is going to be very interesting now to see what will happen. Mbeki is still to come out and comment about the events of yesterday.

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    One Response so far.

    1. BiZmarck says:

      If judge Nicholson’s ruling was the only reason for the decision to recall Mr Mbeki,then the anc nec owes its membership some answers.
      It’s high time that Zuma stopped wanting to use the ANC to clear his name.Charges that he’s facing are of a very serious nature,only a court of law can clear him.

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