Sunday, May 10, 2009 at 9:39 AM by Newser

If you missed Jacob Zuma being sworn in yesterday as the new president of South Africa, then you can view the video clip below and see what happened. For me the highlight of this video is two fold, Zuma said in his speech with reference to Nelson Mandela, “He (Mandela) taught us that all South Africans have equal claim to this country, and that there can be no lasting peace unless all of us, black and white, learned to live together in harmony and peace.” Now I seem to recall Zimbabwe’s President Mugabe saying something similar when Zimbabwe got its independance i.e. there is a place for black and white in Zimbabwe, but look at how that panned out with the white farmers being chased out of Zimbabwe. I hope the same does not happen in South Africa. Then have a look at the end of the clip how Mugabe is so excited for Zuma!

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