
The error that has gripped South African entertainment has left us as South Africa with egg on our faces. Sasha-Lee Davids was declared the winner of Idols 5 but then there was a recount with the votes last week and they actually found out that Jason got the most votes! Jason Hartman actually got 200 000 more votes than Sasha-Lee but a blunder with the vote counting caused by the cellphone network operators has caused a lot of controversy now. We know that nothing is ever 100% guaranteed when it comes to technology and these errors do happen but when they do it is embarrassing as the whole world takes note of these mistakes. And the first thing they say is, “Look at South Africa!!”

Now the organisers of Idols have decided that both Sasha-Lee and Jason are the winners of Idols. This is not the first time in South Africa reality television that we have had two winners. In the SA Apprentice hosted by Tokyo Sekwale, he decided to name two winners! That in itself was shocking! How can you have two winners? Next we are going to see Survivor South Africa having two winners!

Looking at Idols, it is clear according to the votes that Jason won therefore he should be the sole winner. Yes, I feel would feel sorry for Sasha-Lee if they took the title away from her and I would blame it on the network operators who failed to tally the votes. Look at it this way, if by some miracle it was found out that Helen Zille actually got more votes than Jacob Zuma, would we have a situation where we say they are both the presidents of South Africa?

What do you think should happen in the aftermath of this? It does not look like they will change from the “They are both the winners stance” but I would say that Sasha-Lee should accept defeat and let Jason be the sole winner of Idols. He is the winner after all! All this vote counting and mistakes are taking me back to the election counting in Zimbabwe! Recount anyone?

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ros on 11 May, 2009 at 8:23 pm

Sasha should accept her prizes but accept defeat and say she is stepping down as joint winner. She will gain far more respect from the pubic.

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