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Tuesday, November 25, 2008 at 11:52 PM by Newser

The battle between COPE and ANC is heating up. COPE’s youth leader, Anele Mda, and labour convener Willie Madisha went on a bashing spree during a rally in the Eastern Cape where Madisha, referring to Zuma, said: “We will be the laughing stock of the world when we have a leader (who) says ‘I will rape and shower’.” COPE leaders have quickly come out and “unconditionally” apologised to the ANC and it’s president Jacob Zuma for the inflammatory statements. Mda told the crowd that should Zuma become president, then we would “have a government that is going to make raping official.”

Why is Mda saying this? She is just lowering herself and in a sense, starting to make statements similar to those of ANC’s Julius Malema. COPE had been benefiting from Malema’s statements but now it looks like COPE may have their own Malema in the form of Mda.

In its statement, COPE said: “The party subscribes, without any reservation, to the principle of the independence of the judiciary and respects its findings. Therefore the remarks by Ms Mda and Mr Madisha are withdrawn unconditionally and a full apology is extended to the president of the ANC and his party.”

Well, one can say that COPE has apologised much quicker than the ANC did but it still does not change the fact that they made these comments about the ANC and Jacob Zuma.

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Willie on 27 November, 2008 at 7:12 pm

We all know this election campaign is going to get ugly however COPE members should not lower themselves to Malema’s level. It’s good they apologised so fast + they should guard there mouths in the future. Zuma + Malema have of course given the opposition lots of ammunition to use.

Mmamy on 4 December, 2008 at 11:09 am

Cope should use every ammunition they have at their dispossal. With good strategist like Ntate Lekota;Sam Shilowa a Veteran Smuts and emrace the likes of Simon Grindrod comrades that should shape our Youth and give clear direction of what kind of leadership Cope represents.Concentrate on growing this organisation fast but with deligence and continue to lobby all south Africans across the board that represents rainbow nation and are wise to be able to bring to the table solutions not emotions.Lets not be distracted easly and please be constructive at all times be effective do the right thing for Our Contry and for our Democracy. Zimbabwe needs us more than ever and the world is watching South Africa. Lets be bigger than our self.Obama made It WHY not SHIKOTA

Bheki on 11 December, 2008 at 1:40 pm

Response to mAMMY:

The “comments” feature is directed at responding to the Main Post. I didn’t find any such response in your comment.

Instead you went all out talking about unrelated issues which I’m if you looked carefully have their relavant posts.

One of the conner stones of a good argument is to stick to the issue, cos bringing in unrelated issues is a receipe for confusing not your opponents alone, but even your supporters.

Bheki on 11 December, 2008 at 2:01 pm

To Wille

Hope u found my response to your earlier comment, which specifically mentioned my name in it.

Regarding the 27 Nov one, my dear friend I can’t help but start to doubt your IQ level; and I hope my judgement is wrong.

Say I agree that Malema’s level is low. It is only common sense that he is not the only one in SA, let alone the world. Comments made by Mda and Madisha are indicative of their own level, not Malema’s. So, if these comments are low, it means M & M are low.

To the issue of the apology. The “goodness” of its timing means little to their credibility (HOW THE PUBLIC SEE U). See, if I were to commit a crime today, and apologise tomorrow, I may be forgiven but it won’t mend my broken credibility.

Khathi on 5 January, 2009 at 5:07 pm

I could not help but find myself agreeing entirely with Bheki. Apology cannot remove the wrongfulness of the words utterred intentionally by the M & M and that equally explained their sheer opportunism. Still more, most the so-called ANC defectors are basically people who either failed to influenced the liberation movement (ANC and its Alliance partners) or those who eyed for positions but were defeated fair and square in a transparent and democratic process. The Lekota and co are of course not clean as they project themselves now because they have had during their leadership tenure within the ANC done and contributed to some of the problems within the ANC.

maria on 12 January, 2009 at 3:39 pm

It’s suprising on how Lekota has changed tune, he’s now hollier than thou but he has been in the ANC for the past….. I don’t know years now he blaming everything on the ANC he even call Zuma a gardener all of a sudden. Yaa nee it’s suprising what people can do for power.

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