Wednesday, September 10, 2008 at 11:36 AM by Newser

Could this finally be it? I hope so! Talks in Zimbabwe last night between Mugabe, Tsvangirai and Mutambara seemed to be headed in the right direction due to the mediation efforts of Mbeki. President Mbeki flew out to Zimbabwe this week (It seems like he has been spending more time in Zimbabwe than in South Africa!) to get the political parties in Zimababwe to talk again and hopefully reach an agreement. It is believed that Mbeki went to Zimbabwe with a brand new deal for the parties to consider. And judging by the news coming out of Zimbabwe last night, this new deal maybe signed as early as today. 

After another marathon meeting that ended just before 9pm yesterday, Mugabe says there are two outstanding issues but prospects of a deal are now brighter than ever before. Tsvangirai says the pact is now in sight. The opposition leader says there are just a few sticking issues which they hope to iron out today before sealing the deal. His counterpart from the smaller MDC faction, Arthur Mutambara, also says he’s set for conclusion today.

So judging by that, all 3 parties seems to be convinced that a deal will be struck today. We are keeping our eyes and ears open for any breaking news to come out of Zimbabwe today and you will be the first to read it on InTheNews.co.za .

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[...] Zimbabweans continue to wait for a political solution to the country, the economy continues to sink deeper into the ground. On many occassions, people [...]

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